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How to Use Demolition Master in 3ds Max with Thinking Particles

Demolition Master is a 3ds Max tool based on Thinking Particles that allows you to create realistic destruction effects quickly and easily. Whether you want to blow up a building, collapse a bridge, or shatter a window, Demolition Master can help you achieve your goal. In this article, we will show you how to use Demolition Master in 3ds Max with Thinking Particles to create a simple demolition scene.

Step 1: Install Demolition Master and Thinking Particles

Before you can use Demolition Master, you need to have 3ds Max 2010 or later and Thinking Particles 5 or later installed on your computer. You can download Demolition Master from this link and Thinking Particles from this link. Follow the instructions on how to install and activate them.

Step 2: Create a Simple Building Model

For this example, we will use a simple building model that consists of four walls and a roof. You can create your own model or use one of the presets that come with Demolition Master. To load a preset, go to Create > Geometry > Demolition Master > Presets and choose one of the options. We will use the Building 01 preset for this tutorial.

Once you have loaded the preset, you will see a building model in your viewport. You can adjust its size, position, and rotation as you like. You can also edit its parameters by selecting it and going to Modify > Demolition Master. Here you can change the number of floors, windows, columns, etc.

Step 3: Apply Demolition Master Modifier

The next step is to apply the Demolition Master modifier to the building model. This modifier will allow you to control how the building will break apart when hit by an external force. To apply the modifier, select the building model and go to Modify > Modifier List > Demolition Master.

The modifier has several settings that you can tweak to customize the demolition effect. The most important ones are:

Fragments: This determines how many pieces the building will break into. The higher the value, the more detailed the destruction will be.

Noise: This adds some randomness to the shape and size of the fragments.

Glue: This controls how strongly the fragments are attached to each other. The lower the value, the easier they will fall apart.

Fracture Mode: This determines how the building will fracture. You can choose from several options, such as Voronoi, Wood, Brick, etc.

Collision Mode: This determines how the fragments will interact with each other and with other objects in the scene. You can choose from Bounding Box, Convex Hull, or Tetrahedron Mesh.

Dynamics Mode: This determines how the fragments will behave under physical forces. You can choose from Rigid Body, Soft Body, or Cloth.

Dynamics Properties: This allows you to adjust the physical properties of the fragments, such as mass, friction, elasticity, damping, etc.

Dynamics Forces: This allows you to apply external forces to the fragments, such as gravity, wind, explosion, etc.

Dynamics Constraints: This allows you to create joints between fragments or between fragments and other objects in the scene.

Dynamics Events: This allows you to trigger actions based on certain conditions, such as collision, 061ffe29dd


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