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Flash 22

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Flash 22

The table below lists the Acquisition Policy Flashes that have been issued by the Procurement Policy Service (PPS) and Procurement, Guidance and Information Service (PGIS) and links to those that are still active. If you have any questions regarding these or past Acquisition Policy Flashes, please email the corresponding office noted on the flash, PPS or PGIS. Effective October 1, 2022, PGIS issued Acquisition Flashes are referred to as VAAM Alerts and only accessible via the VA Acquisition Knowledge Portal (AKP) on the intranet.

Again, this is not a massively (pardon the pun) flashy pack. It is built to be lightweight and useful for a variety of activities. It would work well on your local hiking trail or as a day pack exploring a new city (please refer to our travel packs article for more information).

It's important to know that due to state and local laws, there are certain restrictions for various products.It's up to you to research and comply with the laws in your state, county, and city.If you live in a state or city where air guns are treated as firearms you may be able to take advantage of our FFL special program.U.S. federal law requires that all airsoft guns are sold with a 1/4-inch blaze orange muzzleor an orange flash hider to avoid the guns being mistaken for firearms. View Shipping Restrictions

The assault on hard disk storage seems to be building with each new flash memory offering. This week, Violin Memory launched a new solid state memory line aimed to replace primary storage in the datacenter. The Violin 6000 Series flash Memory Arrays is designed as an all-silicon storage solution for data-intensive enterprise applications, and is intended to compete against disk-based solutions in cost, both upfront and operationally.

The company also added to its 3200 Series flash lineup. Geared for maximum performance, capacity, and flexibility, the 3000 offerings are slightly lower on the storage food chain than the new 6000 line. The new entry, the 3U Violin 3220, doubles the storage capacity of the 3200 Series from 10 TB to 20 TB (16 TB usable) and delivers 250,000 IOPS.

The 6000 platform is the bigger news for the company though. It incorporates high-end enterprise features such as reliability/redundancy, high availability, serviceability, and scale-out management. As such, it extends Violins storage reach into high-end use cases for tier 1 storage, opening up a potentially much larger market. The 3U product comes in two flavors: the 6216 performance array (1M IOPS; 16 TB SLC flash, 12 TB usable) and the 6632 capacity array (500K IOPS; 32 TB MLC flash, 22 TB usable). For write endurance, the SLC-based 6216 would be the logical choice at 800 PB of writes, versus the 6632 at 100 PB.

Meanwhile, Violin is picking off a lot of low-hanging fruit, especially where I/O performance is paramount. The company was in a recent bake-off in which the customer required 40 TB (usable) with 500,000 I/Os. According to Basile, for traditional vendors that mean six racks of disk, with sub-20 percent utilization. The upfront cost for the disk-based solution was about $3 million, plus more than $3 million more for operational expenses. The customer ended up with the Violin solution, a 3000 series flash array. It delivered the requisite 40 TB, along with much more than 500K I/Os at sub-$1 million CAPEX and sub-$1 million OPEX. 781b155fdc


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