Why The Turtle's Shell Is Crack [PORTABLE]ed
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To that end, turtles are often struck by cars on the road. Last year, Testa said, about 180 turtles were brought to the Jamesport facility, with about 95 percent rehabilitated and set free. Some who are blind or have lost shells remain at the facility for their own safety, she said.
Even though the damage that you see on the outside may not be very severe, these shells are there to protect their organs. By cracking their shells, they are also causing damage to organs inside.
A turtle and tortoise safe fiberglass patch will be used to cover up any cracks or depressions on the shell. This patch will need to be adhered to their shell with glue. You may need to put a few coats on for the fiberglass patch to stay stuck to the shell.
After they have completely dried, you can return them to their normal enclose. However, it should be noted that their shell can take up to a few years to fully heal.
Depending on your situation, your vet may also repair the damaged shell. Larger shell wounds will require fully rebuilding the shell using small pieces of fiberglass and epoxy resin or other materials.
You should especially enlist the help of your vet to repair serious shell damage. The severe shell damage can make it difficult to ensure the wounds are clean without causing even more damage to your turtle or tortoise.
Though this may be difficult for aquatic or semiaquatic turtles, since they are used to swimming, continued exposure to water will mean repeated exposure to dirt and bacteria, which will easily enter a cracked shell.
Can turtles and tortoises live without their shells Thequestion makes me shudder, but the answer is extremely important to know. Yet,to truly understand the magnitude of the question and answer, you must firstunderstand what the shell is and how it works.
The tortoise shell is part of an exoskeleton. That simplymeans that part of the skeletal system is on the outside of the body instead ofthe inside like a human skeleton. In the case of tortoises and turtles, the topexoskeleton is fused to the ribs and spine.
If you broke your arm, a part of your skeleton, you wouldfeel immense pain. The tortoise shell is a lot like that. There are sensitivenerve endings in and around the shell, which means a tortoise or turtle canfeel you touching him, striking him, or trying to pull the shell off!
Let me repeat that: Please, please, please do not try to get a tortoise or a turtle out of its shell! Imagine someone trying to peel the skin off your back or to remove your spine and ribs. Not a pleasant thought, is it
Lack of calcium, not enough sunlight, and many diseases cancause shell abnormalities that can result in shell ulcers, too. Look for signsof kidney damage, liver disease, and thyroid issues if your tortoise or turtleis developing shell rot.
Nature is a wonderful thing. Since tortoise and turtleshells are made of living, organic, natural materials, they have the ability toheal on their own. Just as your broken arm will slowly knit itself backtogether, a tortoise shell can heal on its own.
What we do know if that turtles and tortoises primarily usetheir shells for protection. Tall, rounded shells are hard for predators to gettheir jaws around. Tough shells are nearly impossible for predators to chew orscratch through. And sea turtles, even with their softer shells, have thebenefit of a suit of armor to fend off anything trying to take a bite.
Obviously, turtle and tortoise shells do a phenomenal job ofprotecting their owners. But one scientist believes these shells evolved foranother purpose. According to Tyler Lyson from the Denver Museum of Nature andScience, tortoise and turtle shells may have evolved asa way to help digging.
While we are far from definitive answers, this new idea istaking hold. Whether digging in mud for food or digging into the sand to escapethe heat, the shell of these ancestors was shaped perfectly for balance,strength, and digging efficiency. This is especially convincing given thestring cl