Getting To Know ArcGIS
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Getting To Know ArcGIS
Note: This ebook requires ArcGIS software. You can download the ArcGIS Trial at -us/arcgis/trial, contact your school or business Esri Site License Administrator, or purchase a student or individual license through the Esri Store.
Workshop summary Making online maps using GIS is now available to anyone for free, no GIS experience required! With ArcGIS Online, no expensive desktop software or advanced technical knowledge is required to make and share great looking online maps. For GIS novices, ArcGIS Online provides an easy and powerful way to create and share interactive maps. For users of ArcGIS Desktop (ArcMap or Pro), ArcGIS Online provides a way to share maps previously only possible through advanced server software. This workshop will provide hands-on practice using ArcGIS Online to create custom online maps and share them with others. All exercises will be conducted with the free (public) account, but will be directly relevant to users who have subscription accounts.
The release of a new application can be both exciting and challenging. In Tech Support, we spend a lot of time getting to know new applications to make sure we can adequately support potential questions and issues you may have about a new release. So, while we're busy getting to know the new application, I thought it would be helpful to write a series of blog posts over the next few weeks outlining some of ArcGIS Pro's features and new functionality. To get started, it's important to understand ArcGIS Pro and how it fits into the ArcGIS Platform.
Being comfortable with and working effectively with these concepts is essential to avoid bogus analyses, incorrect data summaries, corrupted data, and confusion. Phil Hurvitz has created this Projection/Coordinate System/Datum Exercise to test or build your knowledge of these concepts.
To get census data into GIS, you need to obtain two pieces of information: the actual data, and the boundary files that you will join the data to in order to map it. There are many options for getting the data, which include: using the geodatabases WAGDA has created for Puget Sound and Washington, downloading data and boundaries from the Census Bureau's American Factfinder, downloading data and boundaries from ESRI's Census Watch, using the Geolytics data CDs in the UW library, or downloading historical census data and boundaries from the National Historical Geographic Information System. Each source has it's advantages and disadvantages in terms of ease of access, ease of use, use restrictions, available time series, and available level of geography. See the Census Source Table (PDF) for a comparison of the different sources, the WAGDA Census page for links to access these resources, and the WAGDA Census Help page for guidance in using them.
In order to match addresses to a street network, you must set up an address locator service using the ArcCatalog prior to selecting the geocode option in ArcMap. The Address Locator is essentially a set of instructions that tells the GIS how the attribute table of a particular street network is constructed, so it can appropriately match addresses to that network. In order to set up the locator service, you will need to know how the street network table is constructed - does it contain just the street address, or are there zip codes (also called zones) as well Does it differentiate between addresses on the left and right side of the street Is the network in a shapefile or geodatabase format Examining the file and viewing the associated metadata will help you answer these questions and set up the service. For more information, see the following resources:
First of all, make sure you read and keep copies of metadata for each datafile you'll be using, to keep track of information such as projection, publication date, source, etc. Another resource that may help you determine the projection of your data is the Projection_checker. The Projection checker is a set of Wash